Hello and Welcome to Speedwell Sound Therapy

Speedwell specialises in Group Sound Therapy, using a holistic approach aimed at improving health and well-being. With a range of services, courses and events that offer scientific, documented and researched sound methodology on a therapeutic level, as well as movement, guided self-reflection and mindfulness sessions, you will be sure to find a service to suit your group needs.

Why consider Sound Therapy?

It is now widely accepted that most illness is stress related. Therefore treatment methodologies such as Sound Therapy promote relaxation and help reduce stress and can be a very effective way to prevent and treat illness.

You can hire Speedwell to provide a wide range of services from Sound and Movement Therapy to Drum Journeys, Gong Baths and Narrative Sound Scapes to help promote wellbeing for yourself or your groups.

Please connect with Angela for a free consultation to discuss your needs.

Telephone: (+44) 07814 232 647

  • Sound or Gong bathing is a type of inactive meditation, where you “bathe” in the healing vibrations of sound. Using sound as a form of healing dates back to ancient cultures. You just cosy down under a blanket and immerse yourself in the beautiful soothing sounds of instruments such as tibettan singing bowls, gongs, crystal bowls, percussion, drums, rattles.

  • During a typical session the facilitator begins with a short visualisation to begin the session. Whilst laying on a yoga mat, participants are invited to reflect on any connections between symptoms they are experiencing and/or something that’s holding them back in their life. The facilitator will then begin to play a drum, gongs and Crystal bowls, gently supporting group members with rhythm and sound vibrations. No-one is expected to move in any particular way, movement is spontaneous and intuitive. The participants are then guided into a reflective process to address their experience.

  • Everything is in place for a peaceful, relaxing time together. The session begins with a relaxing meditation to ease away the stresses and strains you walked in with and you enter into the here and now. The facilitator plays the drum to a specific method which brings you into a deep state of relaxation where rest and repair occurs on a cellular level, muscle pain and blood pressure reduces. The session concludes with therapeutic percussion to bring you back to the here and now.

  • In this session participants explore the entraining properties of rhythm and how it can be used to improve health and wellbeing. By reflecting on our daily rhythms we are able to see where there is an imbalance in our life. Too much time in a stimulating rhythm can lead to exhaustion and stress within the system which may lead to illness.

  • Sound can offer us a powerful way to explore our resistances and transform them, so that we may find release and return to a feeling of flow in our lives. Narrative soundscapes are an interactive form of group sound therapy where each participant contributes to a co-created soundscape.

  • Cacao is a bean which grows on trees native to Central and South Americas. It’s said to be a “superfood” as a portion contains more antioxidants than blueberries. It also contains iron, calcium, and magnesium which the body needs to maintain balance, boosts moods and energy. Working in groups with Cacao allows for participants to enjoy a shared experience of elevated mood, increased vitality, enhanced intuition and empathy, and a more open and present heart.

    During the ceremony you will be guided in meditation to open your heart and set intentions.

    During the Harmonious Dance section you do as little or as much as your body needs. In dance, as in other art forms that excite the senses, harmony is the balance and relationship between contrasts.

    The event is concluded with a Sound Bath event. Sound baths are a type of inactive meditation, where you “bathe” in the healing vibrations of sound. Sound baths are highly rejuvenating for the body and bring about an overall sense of relaxation, which can reduce stress as well as help develop a better ability to cope with stress, help move emotional blockages from trauma, reduce pain, and even stimulate altered states of consciousness.

“The sessions I attended with Angela have been thought provoking and enlightening. I have had some profound emotional shifts and it felt very primal, I had no control over the emotions released, they just came.”

— Lorna RW

Watch our videos

If you’ve never been to a Sound Bath event before, and would like to know more about what we do and how it feels, please click on the link to our vidoes below. You can see live classes, drum circles, and even a very cold morning dip!